Keep the Troubles at Bay with Dairy Fogging System
Dairy Fogging Systems are innovative ways of reducing stress in Dairy animals. A Fogging System is used in a dairy farm to increase the milk production capacity of the cattle by almost 15%. Foggers are small nozzles which help in producing minute droplets of water which appear like mist or fog. Fogging system can also be called as mist system. These water droplets produced immediately evaporate and help to reduce the shed temperature where the cattle is kept. These foggers are installed just below the roof of the shed with water pipelines attached to them. One of the greatest problems faced by cattle-rearers and dairy farm companies is the high temperature in India during summers. Such high temperatures adversely affect the milk yield from cattle resulting in poor or less quantity of milk obtained. A fogging system greatly reduces the temperature thereby reducing the stress for the cattle to ensure optimum and maximum milk production. Even the quality of the milk is affected if the cattle is stressed.
At Sumangalam Dairy Company, high quality dairy fogging systems are available. Sumangalam Dairy Company is a company providing small and large dairy companies with all the equipments necessary for milk production and cattle-rearing. They have good quality fogging systems available in different diameters from 16 mm to 25 mm which can be installed just above the rooftop of the shed where the cattle is kept. You can order high quality dairy fogging system from their online site at according to the number of cattle you have. The dairy fogging system available here is at low prices and good quality. They offer installation assistance too. The company has its outlets at different states in India and you can also order online from their website. They have a team of well-educated and trained staff which looks into the deliveries and dispatch. You just need to order online from their user-friendly website and leave the rest to them. Doorstep delivery can be arranged from their online website.
With the best dairy fogging systems from, you can ensure decrease in the temperature of your shed thereby increasing your overall milk production. The cattle need a cool environment to produce milk. At high temperatures, the cattle generally becomes stressed which affects their milk production. Keeping these factors in mind, dairy fogging systems and sprinklers have been introduced into the dairy farming companies.