How Yoga Can Help Children Mentally And Physically


Yoga is a practice that bridges the gap between your mind and body and helps you connect with your inner selves. And, just like it benefits teens, adults and older people, it also benefits children belonging to the age group of 5-10 years. 

So, if you’re a parent and are trying to think of activities that are both fun as well as healthy- yoga for children is the answer to your worries. 

When started early, yoga for children can prove to be nothing short of a boon. It can teach them to practice mindfulness early on and also help them develop a good number of social skills that they will definitely need in the longer run. Not only mental, but yoga will have a positive impact on their physical health too. 

To elaborate on that, we have compiled a list of benefits of yoga for children, keep scrolling to read about them:

  • Better cognitive development

The ages between 5 and 10 are quite crucial for the development of perceptual skills in kids. It is when they learn to reason, process information and understand language on a more complex level; in other words, it is when they learn to use different parts of their brain. Regular practice of yoga or meditation has been scientifically proven to strengthen all hemispheres of the human brain which will result in improved concentration, improved attention span and better memory retention in children leading to an accelerated cognitive development. 

  • Helps in digestion

Another benefit of yoga for children is an improved digestive function and a resultant increase in appetite. Most kids at the age of 5-10 experience constipation, acidity and gas due to their changing diets and doing some easy yoga poses like forward bend or the hare pose everyday has been observed to help. These asanas massage the abdominal organs which assists the body in breaking and loosening up the stools, making sure they pass smoothly without causing your child any discomfort. Pavanmukhtasans or the wind relieving pose will get rid of any trapped gas in the tract. 

  • Emotional intelligence

Yet another positive effect of yoga on kids’ brains- a few minutes of yoga for children daily can prove to be the best way to enhance emotional health and promote stability in them. It can help them learn to collect their erratic thoughts; recognize, control and deal with emotions like sadness, excitement, fear, hurt and stress in a non-impulsive manner. This will surely lead to them learning to develop- a clearer understanding of situations, better self-esteem and more confidence. 

  • Builds strength and flexibility

Yoga for kids accompanied by a balanced diet is also an excellent way of making sure your child’s muscles strengthen over time and do not lose their flexibility as they become older.

Different poses will teach them how to maintain balance and the deep breathing techniques will increase their lung capacity and this will give a boost to the immune system.

When it comes to children, it is quite important for them to develop healthy habits that will ensure not just a healthier present but also a happy and disease free future. And, yoga for children will make sure they have all those things and lead a happier life.

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