Obesity is a problem which needs the consultation of a specialist. After a stage your approach towards losing weight does not work. That is when you have to approach the doctor who will help and guide you on how to lose weight and get cured from obesity. Sometimes treatments do not show the results and you have to go for weight loss surgery. The main motive of the surgeries is to reduce the weight by reducing the intake of the food. Different kinds of surgeries can be preferred to reach the target.
But one such form of weight loss surgery which is very popular is the bariatric surgery. This kind of surgery is done when your BMI is above 40. If in case the BMI ranges from 35-40 the doctor may recommend the same if you are facing other health issues too like diabetes etc. So the first thing to do is get in touch with a specialist to get further help and assistance. CUSP Surgeons is said to have the Best Bariatric Surgeon named Dr Vikrant Sharma who specializes in this area and performs the same successfully. If you too are looking for a solution to obesity, then surgery might be of great help to you offering the best results.
Now there are two types of bariatric surgeries which are performed by the doctor, one is the restrictive while the other is sleeve gastrectomy. Here is more about these two surgeries.
- Restrictive surgery – As the name indicates this is the surgery done in the stomach to limit the digestion of the food. By reducing the size of the stomach, the absorption level is also brought down which in turn affects the body weight. So when you take food, your stomach will get full easily and absorption will also be less. This is how your weight will get reduced and you will start feeling fit.
- Sleeve gastrectomy – Then you have another form of bariatric surgery which is the sleeve gastrectomy in which the volume of your stomach is reduced. In this case 85% of the same is removed and the resultant is a small tube like stomach which connects to the intestine. It also controls the hormone which results in hunger thereby providing ultimate results of the surgery. Gastric banding as well as gastric bypass are done to achieve the purpose and as suggested by the doctor.
Any of the two bariatric surgeries can be recommended by the Best Bariatric Surgeon. If you have any queries about the surgery you should ask the same and make sure you are fine with the process. Having doubt in your mind will leave you in stress thereby affecting the surgery. So you need to be sure of everything and get in touch with the specialist for all the pre-preparations that need to be done. Seek their advice on what to eat before the surgery, post recovery care and lots more. Your surgeon will surely guide you on that and provide all the information you are looking on bariatric surgery.