M.P B.ED Application form 2019 Application Form, Dates, Eligibility …


Madhya PradeshProfessional Examination Board will release the  M.P B.ED Application form 2019 on the official website very soon. Intrested candidate are advised to go through the official website, ‘peb.mp.gov.in’ to fill the application form. Only eligible candidate can fill and submit the application and the application form of the non-eligible candidate will be rejected. Aspirant are advised to fill the  required details in registration form with correct information. Candidate who will sucessfully fill the Madhya Pradesh B.ED  Form before the deadline will be able to appear for the MP B.ED 2019 and also they are advised to registered themselves during its availiblity All applicant should must check the eligiblity criteria before applying.

Application fee

Each candidate have to pay some amount before submitting the registration fee. However there is fewer amount for the reserved category an dphysically disabled student. Here is the discription of fee to be paid by the candidate in details.

  • For general category the the amount for submitting the Madya Pradesh B.ED form is 500-700
  • For the schedule cast and schedule tribe (sc/st) the amount to be paid is 250-350
  • For physically disable candidate the amount to be paid is 250-350

Important Dates of Madhya Pradesh B.ED 2019

  • The application form will be released in the 3rd week of April 2019
  • Last date to submit the application form will be in the month of may
  • Exam will be held in the month of May.

How to Fill the Application Form

A candidate must know the process and step to access the application form which is very simple, after the moat important part is to fill each and every information correctly in the form any mistake can lead to the cancellation of form or the MP Vyapam board will reject the applied form. Student are advised to go through the eligiblity before the application process and if anyone is not eligible to apply then they should not have apply for the exam. Here are the steps involved in accesing and fill the application form of MP B.ED.

  • Go to the official website. ‘mponline.gov.in’ or ‘peb.mp.govt.in’
  • Go to the page of M.P B.ED registration
  • Click on the link of registration
  • click on the login by provide the login credentials such as registration number/application number, password or date of birth. Candidate who has not registered before they can sign up.
  • The registration form will appear on the screen
  • Fill all the require details with correct information
  • Also upload your recent passport size photo and signature the required file format and size
  • Make payment of requisite application fee
  • check all the information filled in the registration form
  • Do the final submission
  • Download the PDF of application form and take the printout

Document Required for the Verification of Application Form

Candidate applying for the Madhya Pradesh B.ED this year, has to attach the document mentioned below along with the application form. Here are the list of document he/she has to attach while submitting the application.

  • Date of birth certificate
  • Marksheet of qualifying exam
  • Valid photo id proof such as Aadhar card, Pan card, Driving licence, Passport etc.
  • Domicile certificate
  • Category certificate (If required)

General Instructions for the Applicant

An aspirant willing to apply for the Madhya Pradeh B.ED entrance test has to foolowing some guidelines listed below

  • The application from will be avaible in an online mode and there is no way to get it through the offline mode.
  • Online eligible candidate can apply for the test
  • The details provided during registration has to be correct or the exam board will not considered
  • Application form must be submitted on time otherwise a candidate will not be able to apply for the test
  • All candidate are advised to go through the official notification and also remember the importantant events and their dates so that they will be [prepared for each event.

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