How to cancel China Southern Flight


China Southern Airlines cancellation policy and steps

If you have planned to travel to a new destination and booked your flight tickets with China Southern Airlines but because of unforeseen circumstance in life you have to drop the plan and now you want to cancel your flight booking. You are allowed to cancel the flight with China Southern according to the China Southern Airlines cancellation policy.

As per the cancellation policy of China Southern, you can cancel your flight under the following conditions:

Ø If you cancel your flight booking within 24 hours of the flight departure time and also there is a gap of at least 7 days in flight departure and the flight booking time you will get the full refund, there will be no cancellation charges.

Ø If you are canceling the flight after 24 hours of the flight booking time you have to pay the flight cancellation fee and the amount will be credited into your travel bank, good for future travel.

Ø If you cancel the flight booking within 7 days of the flight departure you have to pay the cancellation charges and the amount will be credited into your travel bank, good for future travel.

If you don’t know how to cancel China Southern flight through the website online, you can follow the steps given below:

Ø Go to using any web browser in your device

Ø On the first page you will get the option, Online services you need move the cursor on that it will give you a drop-down menu

Ø In the drop down you have to click on Change/Refund option

Ø Then you need to log in to your account using your details or you can use the VFRN code and login

Ø Now you will be able to view your booking details, you need to click on the option cancel your flight and click on done

Once you cancel the flight you will receive a confirmation email confirming the cancellation of your flight.

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