A Mother’s Gift for her daughter on a wedding day


Wedding Day is the most special day in a girl’s life. It is also a very special, beautiful and needless to say emotional day for the mother of the bride. All her life she must have dreamt of her daughter getting married. It is an occasion where a mother can give her daughter something special just to remind her how special she is to her mother and how much loved she is. She might give her some advice, some things that will remind her often of the fun and beautiful times they have spent together, things with stories or a present to keep and cherish forever. Here are some gift ideas for a mother to give her daughter on her wedding day-

Give your daughter something that is personal: You can give her something very personal to treasure for a lifetime. A gift from a mother can start the biggest day with a great mood. Take her a little away from all the preparations for the wedding and give her something very special and something of emotional value. It might be custom jewelry or a piece of family jewelry, something she can cherish all her life and holds a meaningful message to her. It can a bracelet, bangle or a necklace which she might wear with her wedding jewelries or something that cannot be used on the wedding day.

A Scrapbook with Marital advice:  Marriage is not all about one great wedding day. A mother can share her advice and experiences with her daughter and make a scrapbook for it so that the daughter can refer to the book every time she needs her mother’s advice on different times of life. She can add some of her favorite quotes that might have helped her all through her life as a married woman. Share some stories of your experience with her. Write some serious and some funny pointers for her future life. Make sure to add some of your beautiful pictures together and some designs.

Gift her with a family Tree: encourage your little girl to continue her genealogy. So, gift her family tree book. Her family background is responsible for how amazing a person she is today. Make a family tree book with lots of pictures, little stories about their ancestors and facts about her family history. This will create a picture of her family in her mind. Also, create a page featuring the daughter and her future husband’s pictures. Leave a lot of space empty for her to continue to fill up the family tree in the future.

A memorable Video: Gather the videos you have of all the happy occasions of your family members. It might be the first walk of your daughter, her first birthday, her sweet sixteen, her 18th birthday, the day of her graduation, etc. Combine all those videos and make a new video editing with music and quotes. Show her how she was surrounded by her loved ones in all her special occasions and now when the time is for her to start a new family, she is getting all the love and support.

Gift Her with A package of Fertility Checkup: As your draught is taking a new and probably the most serious step in her life, as a mother you can gift her with fertility check-up package from the best clinic in the town. As she is getting married and supposed to play the role of a wife, becoming a mother can also be a future plan of her. Fast modern life has many drawbacks. There are many factors that might disturb or affect the concept of pregnancy. There is no better time than this to make her aware of her reproductive health so that she can have a successful pregnancy in the future. Let her determine her fertility heath as early as possible. This helps in deciding what options she should go for when she is ready to become a parent. A check-up of fertility awareness will help her to have a complete overview of her reproductive health and reproductive potential. This will relieve her from the future stress and she will be prepared for the upcoming time and financial expenses so that her journey to become a parent becomes easy and smooth. Depending on her time and situation it might be the most essential and helpful gift a mother can give to her daughter on her wedding day. It’s the most important gift to give her the moment she steps into her marital bliss. With this gift, she will be able to asses her fertility health and will be able to take necessary steps regarding her reproductive health.

Other reasons for giving this gift to your daughter are –

  • If she is 30 years old or older than 30, she might want to enjoy the bliss of parenthood someday.
  • It is good to make your daughter aware early of her fertility health if there is a history of someone in the family having premature menopause below the age of 30.
  • If the family has a history of having an autoimmune disease or fragile egg syndrome.
  • If she is a smoker, alcoholic or is very overweight.

Women between the ages of 18 to 30 should not be much concerned about their reproductive health until they have tried to conceive for at least more than one year. In case you should not want your daughter to worry about these things, it won’t cause any harm to have a doctor to asses and analyze the reproductive health just after the wedding. She can have a clear idea of her state of fertility and plan to get pregnant whenever she is ready.

Goral Gandhi one of India’s leading embryology specialist and IVF trainer & training in India. More than 300 embryologists trained over two decades, across laboratories around the world. Dr. Goral Gandhi is the Founder as well as Scientific and Laboratory Director at Indo Nippon IVF Clinic IVF in Mumbai. India.

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