Many people think dry scalp and hair loss are tied together and they may be at least partially right because these things have some connection. Dry scalp sometimes leads to brittle and dry hair with a tendency to fall out or break but it is not of the most common reasons for hair loss.

Can dry scalp cause hair loss?

An itchy and dry scalp? White flakes covering your head? And then when you are scratching it, the flakes are falling down on your clothes? Sounds familiar? Well, you are definitely not alone as dry scalp is a problem which is bothering a lot of people just like you, but the question here today is – does dry scalp cause hair loss? The answer is that it only happens in rare cases and dry scalp is not one of the most common causes for hair loss. People usually suffer from hair loss because of other reasons, such as unhealthy diet and problems with blood circulation, however, there is a skin disorder called seborrhoeic dermatitis which causes dry scalp and sometimes may also lead to hair loss.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis

This skin condition can cause hair loss, fortunately, it usually is only temporary. Depending on the severity of the case, the symptoms can vary from just some extra dandruff to itchy rash covering several different areas of your body. There are some things you should knowabout this disease.

  • The skin may sometimes also become red in more severe cases.
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis is not infectious or contagious.
  • It has a tendency to recur after some time.
  • People suffering from immune system disorders are more likely to develop this condition.

This skin disease can be avoided by using a shampoo which has anti-fungal properties, not letting your skin become dehydrated, keeping a good overall hygiene, paying serious attention to your scalp skin care and any other scalp infections if you get them.

If you already have seborrhoeic dermatitis then it would be suggested to treat this disease with anti-fungal or anti-dandruff creams and shampoos.

Here is a very popular anti-dandruff shampoo – Segals Dandruff/ Dry Scalp Shampoo

Also try to avoid stress and any skin irritation if you want to get rid of this condition as fast as possible.

How to avoid dry scalp?

We have learned that dry and itchy scalp may sometimes lead to hair loss depending on what has caused the scalp to become dry. Dry scalp is also a very unpleasant condition as it can make you feel very uncomfortable and sometimes even embarrassed because of how you look. Take a look at these tips on how to prevent dry scalp.

  • Don’t shampoo your hair too often – washing hair too often can drain your scalp, especially if you only use regular hair care products. Also avoid to blow dry your hair every day.
  • Eat healthy – a healthy diet which includes drinking a lot of water will provide your scalp with all the vitamins and will let it stay moist.
  • Treat your hair well – try different hair care remedies that can help you to moisturize your head in order to avoid dry scalp and hair loss, for example deep conditioners.

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