Is the Digital Nomad Lifestyle Right for You?
Digital nomads lead one of the most adventurous and modern lifestyles. Free like birds, they move from one location to another while earning a living and making a career. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus, leading such an active lifestyle has been almost impossible. Nonetheless, just because you can’t embark on this adventure right away doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give digital nomadism some thought. Here are some basic guidelines to help you decide is the digital nomad lifestyle right for you.
Remote Work
Digital nomads finance their lavish lifestyle on their own. They don’t have any outside financial support. By working remotely, they make enough money to pay for their travels, tickets, and accommodation. With that in mind, the first thing you should think about is work of course. You will need to find a remote one. Because you will be traveling at the same time, working in an office building isn’t an option for you.
Luckily to you, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many organizations to shift to remote work. This means there are more remote job opportunities than ever before. All you have to do is surf the Internet and find a career that suits your experience and skills. Maybe, you could even try your luck in another industry and see how it goes. In the end, whatever job you chose, make sure it provides you with a regular income. Without it, the nomadic adventure might have to end too soon for you.
Personal Finances
When you secure a remote job, the next step would be to get your finances in order. You never know which direction the nomadic lifestyle might take. That is why it is always better to be cautious and have some money on the side in case you need it, especially now with the pandemic. You can start by paying off your debts, if you can, and getting rid of all subscriptions and memberships. Do you need to save some more, or you think you are all set with the amount you have? Then, you will know how much savings you have, so you can start to economize.
The next step would be to invest in communicative technology and intranet systems. You will need such tools and gadgets to stay close to your friends and family. Also, they are necessary for your remote job. Without them, you won’t be able to keep in touch with coworkers and perform at work.
Source: Pixabay
It is important to manage your expectations while you are still thinking about becoming a digital nomad. This lifestyle is a dream come true for many. Still, because of the current global situation, it may not be like that for you. Right now, there is so much uncertainty about how and when will the people be able to start traveling safely again. Moreover, the global economy and labor market are taking a hit. It is doubtful whether or not you will be able to hold a job for a longer time and support yourself. Not to get disappointed and discourage yourself, be prepared for any outcome possible.
Knowledge is power. Especially now during the pandemic. For this reason, you have to be thorough and diligent when researching. You need more information than usual. Why? First of all, the pandemic has forced governments of some countries to close their borders for tourists. Others are welcoming digital nomads as an attempt to get tourism back on its feet.
Such protocols and regulations make traveling to foreign countries and living abroad more difficult than usual. That is why you have to be careful when selecting destinations. You don’t want to plan everything in advance, get to the airport only to discover you aren’t allowed to enter the country as a tourist. That is a real buzz killer. Take all the time you need to research locations, policies, safety measures, living costs, etc. Information you collect will help you start your nomadic adventure despite the many challenges and obstacles the current situation brings.
Source: Pixabay
Digital Nomad Community
Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, are home to large and tight-knit communities in the world. We are talking about digital nomad communities. Every digital nomad, no matter where they are in the world right now, is a part of them. Experience, knowledge, and wisdom they gained over the years are of great use for people like you. Those who are thinking about giving digital nomadism a try. You can become a member and have access to their stories, opinions, advice, and suggestions. They will give you all information you need and debunk some myths regarding the lifestyle. More importantly, they will give you all the support you need to make the right decision.