Level8 Keto
Active rest between sets and between exercises. Walk around your training area and/or perform light stretching, to keep your circulation up and your muscles loose. 2) Breathe deeply during exercise and take stretch breaks when needed. 3) Don’t push through pain or signs of.
Designate an area in your home for exercise. It can be as simple as floor space! Also check for local parks and recreation departments, Level8 Keto if you want to train outside. Search online for local fitness groups or classes. Also, rec departments often have a variety of activities to choose from. Some churches offer free exercises classes.
Warming up properly prevents injury, energizes you for the workout, and improves the elasticity of the muscles. Start with an exercise that will get your heart rate up and get the blood flowing, to warm up for stretching and training. Ideas include brisk walking, cardio, skipping rope, small space exercises, and light calisthenics. Next, perform joint rotations, such as shoulder circling. This helps lubricate your joints with synovial fluid and increase blood flow to the muscles.
Begin stretching after joint rotations. Only stretch to the mild to moderate discomfort. Pain is a sign that something is wrong or that you are over stretching. Gradually increase your range of motion and balance. Try to stretch as many muscles and joints as you can before a workout, or whenever it feels good. However, if time is short, at least stretch the parts of the body you will be working. After stretching, perform warmup sets, then your work sets. Also, stretch lightly after each workout.
It is recommended to use cushions for comfort and to ease into certain stretches. Folded up towels and pillows work very well. You could also use yoga straps, blocks, and/or bolsters if you have any already, but these are not strictly necessary.
Ideas for cardio include brisk walking, jogging, high intensity interval training, and small space exercises performed at a fast pace. A few ideas for small space exercises: animal moves (such as bear crawls and bunny hops), “mountain climbers”, skipping rope, running in place, jumping jacks, burpees, and agility drills that can be performed in a small space. You can use small space exercises to focus more on agility, mobility, cardio, or a combination.