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Neuro 24 For the same reason, avoid scary movies or stories before bedtime! Instead, try to think of positive things you have learned or experienced during the day and help your brain to cling to them. # 8 Get up well We all know that sleep is important: if you sleep less than five hours, you are not as mentally alert, while if you add more than 10 hours you can feel a bit of jetlag . But the key to helping you be at your best mental level during the day is how you get up. Ideally, you should sleep in a dark room and get up with light that gradually intensifies … like dawn. This light penetrates through the closed eyelids and prepares the brain so that we have a better response upon awakening from cortisol. The amount of this hormone in your body when you wake up determines how well your brain will work during the day. Tip: Buy an alarm with a light system that simulates sunrise, which helps you wake up naturally. Of course, for those who sleep deeply, make sure that it also incorporates sound! Developing a strong, confident and safe mind is a long and simple task. It requires a lot of patience, commitment, and above all a lot of predisposition . It is necessary to “train” our mind to get the most out of it . According to experts, learning to separate emotions for decision making is the first step. Just as there are things that must be done to have a strong and healthy mind, there are others that don’t. That is demonstrated by psychotherapist Amy Morin, in her book “13 things that mentally strong people don’t do . ” Through an interview with Business Insider , the psychotherapist gave 21 tips to develop our mental strength: 1. Balance between emotions and logic The first step in being a mentally strong person is to be able to discern the emotions of logic. That is, to be able to separate both issues, granting a balance of each for decision making. 2. Productive behavior According to the expert, mentally strong people do not waste time doing activities that are not productive for them.
On the contrary, learn to get the most out of each moment. 3. Adaptability Change is not a problem for mentally strong people, on the contrary, their adaptability to new processes makes them stronger. 4. Fear Learning to face fears is another advice offered by the therapist. Coping with what does not let us move forward will strengthen our confidence in ourselves. 5. Errors Mentally strong people are not afraid of mistakes or hide them. On the contrary, they know how to learn from them and how to reverse them. 6. Accept For Morin, it is necessary to learn to accept ourselves as we are. Knowing our defects and virtues is how we can get the most out of our mind. 7. Competition Those who possess the ability to be mentally strong, learn to cooperate rather than compete. That is, they are happy for the success of others and do not feel that it obscures them. 8. Values Being able to understand the importance of values is what determines mentally strong people. According to the expert, making decisions based on your values will strengthen you. 9. Recognition Many people need the recognition of others to grow. Instead, mentally strong people only learn to improve alone, without the need for others. 10. Faithful to themselves Mentally strong people live an authentic life, being true to themselves. And so they demonstrate in each of their behaviors. 11. Win or lose For people with a strong and confident mind, winning or losing is not an important issue. They feel good about themselves and try to get the best out of each experience. 12. Career Unlike most people, those who are mentally strong think of their goals as a marathon. That is, they tolerate the details, knowing that at the end of the race is their goal. 13. Responsibility To be a mentally strong person it is necessary to be responsible for our actions. No need to punish yourself for mistakes. 14. Adversities Every action is an opportunity to grow. Adversities, for those who are mentally strong, allow them to grow and be better people. 15. Gratitude People who are mentally strong know how to recognize that they actually have more than they need and appreciate everything they have.
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