Simply Fit Keto – Lose Weight Fat With This Top Keto Pill!


Simply Fit Keto Carbohydrates The carbohydrate component of the diet provides the body with energy and accounts for 55-70% of the total caloric intake. With the oxidation of 1 g of carbohydrates in the body 4 kcal is released. Daily consumption of sugar should not exceed 50 grams per day. Preference should be given to plant foods rich in dietary fiber – vegetables, fruits and legumes. Portions of cereal dishes during weight loss should be limited, because despite their benefits, it should be remembered that the calories in grains are high enough. Interesting fact! Strong alcohol does not belong to either proteins or fats or carbohydrates, but the oxidation of 1 g of ethanol = 7 kcal! Therefore, during weight loss, it is better to exclude alcoholic beverages. In conclusion, I would like to say that body weight can be influenced in two main ways: by changing the caloric content of food and physical activity.

You need to know your consumption rate, the only way to manage your weight! Many of us have heard in childhood a sacramental phrase that appetite comes with eating. The meaning of this phrase was initially not at all in the justification of gluttony, but that, when starting to do something, a person becomes interested and involved in activities. But it also happens with food: having felt its taste, even a non-hungry person can get carried away and eat quite a lot, which in the end comes back around on overweight in problem areas. Although the appetite, like the feeling of hunger, is quite natural for a person, many people prefer to struggle with both the one and the other – precisely because they cannot control them. Trying to lose weight, many take various means to suppress appetite, limit themselves to food as much as possible. But, trying to save energy, the body will store it for the future, putting off fat reserves. How to eat everything and lose weight? To eat everything and lose weight, you need to live in harmony with hunger and appetite. To do this, you need to correctly adjust your diet according to several important rules: there is only when you feel hunger; reduce calorie intake; there are whenever possible nourishing products, that is, those that, with their minimum consumption, retain the fullness of the stomach for as long as possible and increase the level of sugar in the blood. These products include mostly complex carbohydrates (for example, cereals and vegetables) and animal proteins (for example, eggs and cottage cheese). With carbohydrates all difficult Why are some of us just unable to resist the chocolates and cakes? The fact is that sweet influences the production of serotonin – the “hormone of happiness”, which contributes to improving mood and increasing efficiency.

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