Top Organic Keto
I would pick all my problems up off the Top Organic Keto nightstand, put them back in my brain, and my brain could start spinning and racing and worrying all over again. After a few nights of trying this it began to work.
I fooled my brain. I trained my brain. Now, when it was time to go to sleep, I was able to lay down, put my problems and worries and fears aside, and go to sleep. And in the morning, I was refreshed and ready to face the day.
That was decades ago and since then, when I get into bed, I lay down my troubles. And have no trouble going to sleep at night.
In addition, I learned something else; a lot of the things I worried about at night disappeared or lessened when I went to pick them up off the nightstand the next morning.
When it’s time to go to sleep, the day is finished. Put your worries down. When day is done and it’s time for sleep, there is nothing more you can actually do right now about your existing problems, worries and fears. Put them down on the nightstand, or, if you prefer, place an empty box next to your bed to put your problems in at night.
Don’t worry, all your problems, worries and fears will still be there in the morning. Or not. Meanwhile, you can go to sleep.And, if you wish, you can even write down your worries on a piece of paper and physically put them in the box. And, in the morning, you can once again pick them up. Or not.
As for the box, any empty box will do. Any color. It may help if the box has a lid and you can leave it open to easily put in your worries, problems and fears. No, it doesn’t have to be a large box. Unless you have a LOT of worries.
When it comes to training, are your gains coming faster than an Ali one-two combo? Or are you getting worked over in the corner like some washed-up pug, folding up under a rain of body blows.