Segals Solutions Ensures Zero Hair Loss
Your hairs require constant supply of nutrition, hormonal push and healthy environment to grow normally, when these factors are compromised hairs start falling. Here is the list of factors that might be responsible for your hair loss:
Acute Physical stress: Any kind of physical or mental stress to the body that mandates you to take bed rest for few days can result in hair loss for example high grade fevers (typhoid, malaria etc.), major surgery, severe trauma, bereavement etc.
Chronic physical stress: Any chronic debilitating disease can compromise nutrition of hair and hence hair loss; for example cancers, chronic kidney or liver diseases, tuberculosis.
Hormonal factors: Hormones are important in maintaining hair cycle thus hypo/hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovarian diseases (PCOD); discontinuation of oral contraceptive pills, delivery can cause hair loss. If you noticed change in your menstrual cycles, weight gain, pimples or thick dark hair on face along with hair fall, hormonal cause should be ruled out. Diffuse hair loss in mother and baby is common 3-6 months post delivery and it usually stops in few months.
Dietary deficiencies: Any forced or voluntary compromise with diet especially proteins, vitamins like Biotin, minerals like iron and zinc etc. can cause hair loss. Hence, hair loss is common in those who opt for crash dieting or who have loss of appetite due to disease or who do not take balanced wholesome diet, the later is pretty common with increasing popularity of fast food.
Medications: Drugs that are used for high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, psychiatric diseases, hormonal imbalance can cause hair fall. If you are on treatment for any chronic disorder, please check with your doctor for the possibility of medicine causing your hair fall.
Chronic and undue stress: Normal day stress is unlikely to be the sole cause of losing your mane, but undue stress like bereavement, loss of job, depression etc. can cause hair fall.
Idiopathic: Your hair fall is labelled as Idiopathic when means no reason can be found for your hair loss. Such cases are more common in females at the age of 30-60 years who notice sudden shedding and thinning of hair leading to diffuse thinning of hair all over the scalp along with bi-temporal recession.
With an appropriate ‘Segals Solutions Program’, you will notice a drastic reduction in hair loss within 8 to 10 weeks with simultaneous total relief from dandruff and sebum. New hair growth will emerge thicker, stronger and healthier thereafter. Time period for new hair growth varies widely, ranging from 4 months to 1 year. Most people find that their hair loss has been drastically reduced within 5 to 8 weeks and the new hair growth appears within 4 to 6 months.
The ‘Segals Solutions Program’ will normally result in the following exciting improvements to the hair:First Week:The hair instantly feels silkier and more manageable. The scalp tingles as blood flow increases.
Third Week:Dead hair in the Telogen phase will be shed to create conditions for new hair growth by vacating the hair follicle.
After 1 month:Hair continues to improve in texture, a reduction in hair loss may be seen in a few cases.
After 2 months:Hair loss shows a sharp decline. This may take a bit longer in prolonged and chronic hair loss cases where hair loss has been for more than 2 years or where Minoxidil had been used earlier.
After 3 months:Reduction in hair loss becomes more apparent. Results start stabilizing.
After 4 months:Conditions created for new hair growth.
Month 6 and beyond:New hair growth and/or thickening of fine (vellus) hair may be seen. This period may extend upto a year and in rare cases, even beyond.
The results vary with each individual. The best results seem to be with people who have been experiencing hair loss for less than 3 years. People who have had hair loss for a longer time still notice positive results. So, the sooner you start using ‘Segals Solutions Program’ the better and faster the results.